Advanced Shipping Notice (ASN)


Advanced Shipping Notice (ASN): An Advanced Shipping Notice (ASN) is a document that provides detailed information about an upcoming delivery. The ASN is sent to the customer before the shipment arrives and includes vital details such as the delivery method, the items being delivered, the quantity of items, and the estimated delivery time.

Detailed Explanation

The Advanced Shipping Notice (ASN) is an essential part of supply chain management and logistics. It’s a notification of pending deliveries, similar to a packing list. It’s typically sent electronically and provides the customer with detailed information about the upcoming delivery. This information allows the customer to prepare for the delivery, ensuring they have the necessary resources and space available.

The ASN includes details such as the delivery method, the items being delivered, the quantity of items, the estimated delivery time, and sometimes tracking information. It’s a crucial tool for managing inventory and ensuring efficient operations in the supply chain.


For example, a clothing retailer might receive an ASN from a supplier indicating that 500 units of a particular style of jeans are to be delivered by truck on a specific date. The ASN allows the retailer to prepare the necessary storage space and personnel to receive the shipment.

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Frequently asked questions about Advanced Shipping Notices

What is the purpose of an Advanced Shipping Notice (ASN)?
The purpose of an ASN is to provide the customer with detailed information about an upcoming delivery, allowing them to prepare for the delivery and manage their inventory efficiently.

What information is included in an Advanced Shipping Notice (ASN)?
An ASN typically includes information about the delivery method, the items being delivered, the quantity of items, the estimated delivery time, and sometimes tracking information.

Who sends the Advanced Shipping Notice (ASN)?
The ASN is typically sent by the supplier or shipper to the customer before the shipment arrives.


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