Free SKU Generator

SKU Generation Made Simple with ShipBuddies

We know the importance of effective organization and easy identification of items in your inventory, especially when it comes to managing diverse products like apparel. Our SKU Generator is specifically designed to help you create unique, descriptive, and standardized Stock Keeping Units (SKUs) effortlessly.

With this useful tool, you’ll have the ability to quickly generate and assign SKUs to your products, facilitating smoother inventory tracking, order fulfillment, and overall operational efficiency. Simplify your inventory management process and keep everything neatly organized with the SKU Generator by ShipBuddies – where we make complex logistics simpler.

SKU Generator

  1. Enter Product Name: Enter the name of your product.
  2. Enter Attribute 1-3: Enter attributes of your product. This could be the product type, color, size, or any other product details. You do not need to use all 3 attributes.
  3. Use Dashes: If you want the SKU to include dashes between the product name and attributes, check the box labeled “Use dashes”.
  4. Generate SKU: Click the “Generate SKU” button.
  5. Copy to Clipboard: If you want to copy the generated SKU, click the “Copy to Clipboard” button.
  6. Edit Field: After generating a SKU, if you want to quickly create a SKU for a product variant, you can simply edit the appropriate field and hit the “Generate SKU” button again.
  7. Reset Form: If you want to generate a new SKU, click the “Reset Form” button. This will clear all the input fields and the generated SKU, allowing you to enter new information.

What Is a SKU (Stock Keeping Unit)?

A SKU, or Stock Keeping Unit, is a unique alphanumeric code assigned to each item in a company’s inventory. This code serves as an identifier, providing detailed information about the product such as its type, size, color, and other distinguishing attributes.

For instance, in a sewing supplies business, a SKU for a specific type of thread might denote the brand, color, length, and thickness of the thread. This would allow anyone in the company to understand what the product is just by looking at the SKU.

SKUs are essential for effective inventory management as they enable businesses to track their stock levels accurately, locate items in the inventory, and streamline the order fulfillment process. They also facilitate more efficient and accurate reporting and analysis, helping businesses understand their sales trends and make informed decisions.

In a nutshell, a SKU is like a product’s fingerprint, uniquely identifying it within the vast inventory and making inventory management more organized and efficient.

With this powerful tool, you’ll have the ability to quickly generate and assign SKUs to your products, facilitating smoother inventory tracking, order fulfillment, and overall operational efficiency. Simplify your inventory management process and keep everything neatly organized with the SKU Generator by ShipBuddies – where we make complex logistics simpler.

Use Cases For A SKU Generator

A SKU generator would be a valuable asset to a variety of individuals and businesses looking to speed up their SKU generation, particularly those dealing with extensive or diverse inventories. Here are some who would stand to benefit:

  1. eCommerce Businesses: Whether it’s a small business selling handmade crafts or a large retailer with thousands of products, a SKU generator helps in organizing inventory and simplifying order fulfillment processes.

  2. Wholesalers and Distributors: For those dealing with a vast array of products across multiple categories, creating unique and meaningful SKUs can be a daunting task. A SKU generator can make this task efficient and error-free.

  3. Retail Stores: Brick-and-mortar retailers can use SKU generators to efficiently manage in-store and online inventories, track sales, and replenish stock.

  4. Manufacturers: Manufacturing entities can use SKUs to track parts and finished products, aiding in the production planning and control process.

  5. Warehouse Managers: For those tasked with overseeing warehouse operations, a SKU generator can help in the precise location, picking, and shipping of items, making the process more efficient.

  6. Dropshipping Businesses: Those who run a dropshipping business can use SKUs to align their product catalog with the suppliers’, ensuring smooth order processing and delivery.

In essence, anyone involved in selling, manufacturing, or distributing products — from a small Etsy shop owner to a major distributor — would benefit from the organization, efficiency, and clarity that a SKU generator provides. A lot of inventory management software will have its own generator, but not all of them. 

Tips and Best Practices For Generating SKUs in Your Business

Creating and implementing SKUs for your inventory might seem like a complex task, but with the right approach, it can be a smooth process. Here are some tips to get started:

  1. Consistency is Key: When creating SKUs, ensure that they follow a consistent format. This will make it easier for you and your team to understand and manage them.

  2. Make it Descriptive: SKUs should provide information about the product. Include attributes like product type, size, color, or any other significant distinguishing feature. This helps in quick identification of the product.

  3. Avoid Manufacturer’s Codes: Create your own SKU system instead of using the manufacturer’s codes. This gives you the flexibility to tailor the SKUs to your specific needs and prevents any potential conflicts if you’re selling similar items from different manufacturers.

  4. Steer Clear of Special Characters: Avoid using characters like zeros, O’s, I’s and L’s, or special symbols that could cause confusion.

  5. Be Future-Proof: Design a SKU system that can scale with your business. You want to ensure that as you add new products, your SKU system remains effective and relevant.

  6. Use a SKU Generator: This tool can simplify the process of creating SKUs, especially if you’re dealing with a large number of products. It can ensure consistency, reduce errors, and save you time.

  7. Train Your Team: Once you’ve established a SKU system, make sure everyone involved in inventory management understands it. This will help ensure that your system is used effectively.

  8. Regularly Review and Update: As your product range evolves, so should your SKUs. Regularly review your SKU system and update it as necessary to reflect new product lines or changes in your inventory.

By following these tips, you’ll be well on your way to an organized and efficient inventory system. Remember, the main goal of implementing SKUs is to simplify and streamline your operations, so design a system that works best for your unique needs.

Frequently Asked Questions About SKUs

What do SKUs look like?

SKUs are typically a combination of letters and numbers that represent specific product attributes. They are designed to be descriptive enough to provide useful information about the product at a glance. Here are a few examples of SKU variations:

Example 1: A red, medium-sized t-shirt might have the SKU “TSH-RED-M”.

Example 2: A 32GB black smartphone could have the SKU “SM-BLK-32GB”.

Example 3: A pair of women’s size 8 blue running shoes might be “WS-RS-BL-8”.

Why are SKUs important?

SKUs are essential for effective inventory management, enabling businesses to track stock levels accurately, locate items quickly, and streamline the order fulfillment process.

How do I create a SKU?

Creating a SKU involves combining key product attributes into a unique code. You can use tools like the ShipBuddies SKU Generator to automate this process, ensuring consistency and efficiency.

Can I use the same SKU for different products?

No, each product should have a unique SKU to prevent confusion and ensure accurate tracking and management.

How should I format my SKUs?

Use a consistent format, avoid special characters and confusing letters (like O, I, and L), and make the SKU descriptive enough to provide useful information about the product.

What’s the difference between a SKU and a barcode or UPC?

A SKU is a code used internally for inventory management, while a barcode is a machine-readable representation of data that can be scanned at checkout or during inventory checks.

Can SKUs help with sales analysis?

Yes, SKUs can facilitate detailed sales analysis by allowing you to track which products are selling well and identify trends over time.

What do SKUs look like?

SKUs are typically a combination of letters and numbers that represent specific product attributes. For example, a SKU for a red, medium-sized t-shirt might be “TSHIRT-RED-M”. This format allows for quick identification of product details.



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